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Trace: • install_to_hdd
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Install HDD Version
Caution : OBSOLETED document, need to rewrite..
Note : It is recommend use HDD version if stopped during boot, not bootable, memory of target machine is under 64MB.
Currently opencocon hasn’t its installer. so we recommend manual install. Below is how to install opencocon to Harddisk or CF memory card :
Method of install is like Gentoo, so it is easy to install you’re already understand install Gentoo. (maybe..)
0. Boot install-base GNU/Linux distribution
You can use Live-CD base distribution(KNOPPIX, Ubuntu, opencocon, …), or Desktop GNU/Linux (if install to another Harddisk, without daily-using Harddisk) to install opencocon. If you try install to another harddisk, install-base machine must be x86 or x86_64 architecture.
In this manual, Harddisk to install is /dev/sdb . If your target is wrong, replace /dev/sdb to your target.
WARNING : I strongly recommend backup data of target harddisk! opencocon is not usable for Multi-boot!
1. Prepare Partition
Run cfdisk :
# cfdisk /dev/sdb
and allocate ext3 patrtiton, for example /dev/sdb1
WARNING : Dont forget select another harddisk of your working.
At least needs 200MB of free space in partiton. If your target machine is less of memory (about ~64MB), allocate swap partition, for example /dev/sdb2
CAUTION : opencocon supports only ext2/ext3 partition.
After allocate, Select [Write] and [Exit].
2. Format harddisk
After allocate opencocon partition, run format like :
# mke2fs -j /dev/sdb1
and if you allocated swap partition, prepere like :
# mkswap -v1 /dev/sdb2
3. Mount to temporary place
Next, mount opencocon partition. For example, mount to /mnt.
# mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt
And move current-directory
# cd /mnt
4. Extract opencocon-tree
Check right place to extract?
# pwd /mnt
If ok, extract opencocon tarball.
# tar -xzvpf /(Your opencocon-tarball directory)/opencocon-v2…..tar.gz # tar -xzvpf /(Your opencocon-tarball directory)/modules-….tgz
5. Setup GRUB bootloader
to run GRUB, mount these partition (/proc and /dev).
# mount -t proc none /mnt/proc # mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev
Enter chrooted enveroiment,
# chroot /mnt /bin/sh # grub
On GRUB prompt, input like :
(grub) root (hd1,0) (grub) setup (hd1)
WARNING : You must understand install place of bootloader. If you select wrong partition, your working enveronment losts bootable.
Almost case, partition mapped GRUB like :
/dev/sda1 : (hd0,0) /dev/sdb : (hd1) /dev/sdb1 : (hd1,0) …
For more information, please read GRUB manual before install.
After install,
(grub) quit
and Exit chroot-ed enveronment
# exit
6. Swap setting
Currently opencocon can’t detect swap partition automaticly. Place this command
swapon /dev/sda2
to right place of /sbin/setup.sh
7. Clean up
# sync # cd / # umount /mnt/proc /mnt/dev /mnt
Eject harddisk, and setup to your target machine, and boot.